1-222234Welcome to the first issue of CD ROM Magazine Interactive. This document contains some late-breaking information to supplement the information contained within the booklet accompanying the CD-ROM. Installation Notes Contrary to the information contained in the booklet there is no 16-bit version of CD-ROM Magazine Interactive for the MPC. The SETUP.EXE application now creates a program group called 'CD ROM Interactive' containing one icon called CD-ROM Magazine Interactive; double click on this to launch the disc. You must of course have the disc in the drive. The Installer for CD-ROM Magazine Interactive also installs QuickTime for Windows which is necessary to play the video files on this disc. Only bypass this option if you already have QuickTime for Windows installed. In order to run CD ROM Magazine Interactive you will need to set the resolution of your monitor to 640x480 (or better) with 256 colours. The Dorling Kindersley Multimedia Sampler cannot be launched from within CD-ROM Magazine Interactive. Instead you need to go to the directory named DKSAMPLE and run the DK install program from there. The installer will create a program group that allows you to launch the sampler disc of the CD-ROM. The DK sampler also requires QuickTime for Windows. You can skip this option if you have already installed CD-ROM Magazine Interactive. What is on CD-ROM Magazine Interactive Titles Titles is the section where you can see reviews of CD-ROM Magazine's Classic Titles - they have all scored a rating of 4.5 or 5 out of 5 in previous Magazine reviews. The nine products reviewed in the section are: The Complete Maus Interactive Sam & Max Hit the Road RedShift Distant Suns Fatty Bear's Birthday Surprise Microsoft Dinosaurs 3-D Dinosaur Adventure Gabriel Knight, Sins of the Fathers Videodrome In the videodrome you can see a selection of music clips from titles released on Video CD and CDI. Just click on the video clips to see the one you want. The clips are: The Cure, The Show Sultans of Ping, from Worlds of... Ugly, from Worlds of ... C, from Worlds of ... The Three Tenors The Gallery / Arcade In the Gallery / Arcade clicking on the words Gallery and Arcade switches you between the two areas. The Gallery contains information about five new titles from Dorling Kindersley Multimedia. As explained above the application sampler can only be run from within CD-ROM Magazine Interactive if you are using a Macintosh. The information panels however, are active on both platforms and provide a description of the titles. In the Arcade are details of a number of software demos and titles included on the CD-ROM Magazine Interactive disc. Demos and titles for the MPC can be found in the ARCADE directory and are in their own directories as follows: TUNELAND 7th Level's Tuneland featuring Howie Mandel. This can be found in the directory TUNELAND. The program has it own installer called setup.exe which is in the Tunelands folder, or you can simply run the program from the CD by running TUNELAND.EXE. QUARANTINE Gametek / Imagexcel's Quarantine. This can be found in the directory QDemo. Type QDEMO to install the program to you hard disc. SUPEKART Manic Media Productions' Supercart. This can be found in the directory KART.The readme file explains installation or you can run the program from the CD by typing KART. 100 Year of MOTORING Plum Productions' 100 Years of Motoring. This can be found in the directory MOTORING. The demo can be run from the CD. Simply run the file MOTORING.EXE. ZARGON ZOO Plum Productions' Zargon Zoo. This can be found in the directory ZARGAON. The demo can be run from the CD. Simply run the file ZARGON.EXE. The Workshop In the Workshop you can see a demonstration walkthrough for Astound and get information about the clip media resources on this disc, by clicking the Clip Media icon. The Clip Media Screen tells you about the resources included on the disc and enables you to print information / order forms. To use them please see below. Astound We have included demonstration versions of Astound for Macintosh and Windows. However, it is only a demonstration version and does not have a 'save' function. To install Astound run the installer on the Astound folder. The installer will prompt you to insert the the second floppy disk. Click return to continue and installation will continue. Clip Media Clip Media for MPC systems is located in the WORKSHOP directory as follows: DIGICLIP This is a selection of audio and video from TriDigital ASTOUND The Astound demo software for Windows from Gold Disk DEMOFILE This contains the media files used in the Astound walkthrough HULTON A selection of photographs from the Hulton Deutsch Decades Collection PLEASE NOTE:- All clip media included on this disc may only be used for non-commercial purposes. will create a program group that allows you to launch the sampler disc of the CD-ROM. The DK sampler also requires QuickTwKs_okgc_[W S% O Kb`Z w s oT k` g c#_[WZSjOKb`Z ws'oxkgc_[ WMSVOKb`Z ws'oxkgc_[ WMSVOKb`ZIK_-/ 9DStwy % % R T `  #XZjj'vx KMV'vx KMVh  only be run from within CD-ROM Magazine Interactive if you are using a Macintosh. The information panel Ariale active on both platforms and provide a description of the titles. In the Arcade are details of a number of s